I need some lol...I need to get on with my HAED as well as the design I want to do for my Mum for a Christmas present (now I know this sounds early but hey...it is July after all!) I haven't worked on my HAED for ages now. I need to start putting in a few stitches here and there or it'll NEVER grow... :0(
I also need to concentrate on losing some weight before my holiday to Magluf in September...74 days to go and counting! 20th September for a week - I'm very excited as I am going with my boyfriend Tom and it'll be LOVELY!!! I currently am 10stone, I'd like to be about 9stone - maybe 9 and a half stone when I go away. I have a lot of work to do. Today I have eaten a lot of fruit, drank a lot of fluids and had a small tea. I know that it is my exercise & overall fitness which lets me down though. I have a trampoline in my back garden, I know I need to use that more...and I should really walk more...I'm so lazy! I really must get that sorted out before September!!!
That's all I wanted to say, other than the fact that I am still here...I just haven't written in a while...